
Frattini at the European Defence Summit in Berlin


In cooperation with McKinsey & Company, the Munich Security Conference has initiated the conference series "The Future of European Defence". This initiative aims to support the process towards deeper European defence cooperation with a high-ranking, independent forum. A first "summit" on 25/26 April 2013 will give impulses to "Pooling & Sharing."

In mid-December of 2012, a roundtable in Berlin debated this set of issues from a German perspective. Members of parliament, representatives of the federal government, particularly the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Economics, the Foreign ministry, the armed forces, defense industry representatives as well as independent experts debated how security and defense policy in Europe can be organized more effectively and more sensibly.

Also read Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger's "Monthly Mind" of December 2012 - "A make or break moment for European Security and Defense Policy" -and the following information on the purpose of The European Defence Summit:

Advancing European defence cooperation ...
Increased defence cooperation will, undoubtedly, be a key component of European defence and security policy in the future. Under current conditions, Europe is on an unsustainable course, losing capabilities that are badly needed:
  • The defence sector is experiencing a tightening of financial screws
  • Greater demands are being placed on the armed forces. These will only increase as the United States continue to “pivot” towards the Pacific, putting even greater pressure on Europe to be able to operate more independently in its own neighbourhood.
  • The unpredictability of security challenges will require greater interoperability, coordination and effectiveness from European armed forces.
  • “Pooling & Sharing“ and “Smart Defence“ are promising concepts that could allow European states to deal with these challenges. However, putting these concepts into action requires clarity of ambition and added value, ideas as to how significant cooperation initiatives can be organised and an understanding of the political and economic implications.
... by bringing together the right people ...
The “Future of European Defence Summit”, a series of events initiated by the Munich Security Conference, aims to be a forum that contributes to advance European defence cooperation by involving decision makers and experts with the relevant perspectives. Building on an exceptionally strong network, it brings together around 80 high-ranking leaders and stakeholders of European security and defence policy – from the political realm, the military, the defence industry and other institutions.

... through a strong cooperative partnership between the Munich Security Conference and McKinsey & Company.
Through a cooperative partnership with McKinsey & Company, the Munich Security Conference is creating a distinctive forum for substantive, fact-based and action-oriented dialogue towards the realization of defence cooperation in Europe.

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Pubblicato da Franco Frattini il giorno 25.4.13. per la sezione , , , . Puoi essere aggiornato sui post, i commenti degli utenti e le risposte utilizzando il servizio di RSS 2.0. Scrivi un commento e partecipa anche tu alla discussione su questo tema.

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